12:00:27 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Welcome everyone! 12:01:05 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Are you a summer or winter person? 12:01:09 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: I'm a summer person :-) 12:01:12 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Scranton,PA summer person 12:01:16 From Barbara Armentrout to Everyone: joining from sunny South Florida, always summer! 12:01:19 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: Joining from DC -- more of a summer person, I'd say 12:01:40 From Michael Butera to Everyone: Howard County, Maryland- neither, fall! 12:02:27 From Angel Rutter to Everyone: Hello everyone! Joining from Washington, DC - more of a summer person, but I also like the coziness of wintertime! 12:02:40 From Barbara Armentrout to Everyone: you were embracing change! 12:02:57 From Regais Wilson to Everyone: Hi from DC. 12:03:17 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Hope everyone is staying cool today! 12:03:41 From Scharan Johnson to Everyone: Hi from Catonsville, MD. 12:06:23 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Great topics. 12:06:26 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Next webinar - July 27th from 12 - 1 pm 12:06:33 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Yaaaaassssss!!!! 12:06:47 From Annessa Kirby to Everyone: Exciting! 12:06:49 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: In-person workshops coming back in October! 12:07:13 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Marked!! 12:07:37 From Audrey Imes to Everyone: How often do the in-person workshops normally happen? 12:07:54 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: I missed that webinar listed on the left side of the slide! I was busy marking down CEX! 12:08:16 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Typically one in-person event a year :-) 12:08:24 From Regais Wilson to Everyone: 10/11 DC, 10/13 Chicago 12:08:30 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: July 27th from 12 - 1 pm - next webinar 12:09:57 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: MindTools.com 12:10:07 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Good resources for change management 12:10:28 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: What questions about change do you have? 12:11:25 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: How much do I have to prepare for stakeholder buy-in before making a change? Is there a general change timeline? 12:11:26 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: How do you help chapter leaders see that they don't have to do it the way they always have? 12:11:27 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: DEI changes... 12:11:44 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: +1 Wilil 12:11:48 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: *Will 12:11:55 From Scharan Johnson to Everyone: Honoring past disappointments, but moving volunteers to focus on the future. 12:12:06 From Leanne Schimming to Everyone: Encouraging chapters to hold meetings in a different format online vs. in-person. 12:12:16 From Regais Wilson to Everyone: When introducing structural change what is the timeline for introducing the new strategy, getting buyin, and setting expectations with volunteers who aren't very engaged 12:12:21 From Barbara Armentrout to Everyone: identifying small wins to reinforce on the way to bigger changes 12:13:06 From Michael Butera to Everyone: Sometimes the question is that the national is not changing and wanting the chapters to change to conform to the national image and view. 12:13:44 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: I put other: we made them conform to certain logos and move finances under HQ. 12:13:55 From Regais Wilson to Everyone: Other: expanding our chapter model so all members have access 12:14:29 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: What falls under "Standards and Requirements"? 12:19:56 From Scharan Johnson to Everyone: Onboarding Series for New & Returning Officers, Newsletter 12:25:10 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Here's the Trickle Up webinar: https://www.billhighway.co/taking-a-trickle-up-approach-to-chapter-engagement-programs/ 12:25:51 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: And a blog post about using components as innovation incubators: https://www.billhighway.co/chapter-member-engagement-components-as-innovation-incubators/ 12:26:06 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: We sort of have innovation grants through a USG-funded program for our Chapters 12:26:09 From Debbie Robichaud to Everyone: Thank you 12:26:11 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: We do innovation grants, working on changing our benchmarking this year. I'm going to ask my CEO if we can start involving them in strat planning! 12:26:28 From Diana Tucker CAE (she/her) to Everyone: We started Innovation grants in 2021 due to COVID. We hold various focus groups of chapter leaders in our strategic planning process. 12:26:52 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: We stole your "Bright Spots 12:27:01 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Idea and having online sessions around them. 12:27:22 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: In terms of strategic planning or change in general, I'm hoping to implement a 30- or 60-day "Open Comment Period" so our office to send Chapters proposed changes to get their feedback and ideas 12:28:35 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Love the idea of innovations grants... we informally supported some good ideas, but we need for formalize. 12:30:36 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: @David, I'd be happy to share our samples of the RFP, scoring rubric, etc. Shelley@grantprofessionals.org 12:36:47 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: @Shelley, so generous of you. Email sent. You're awesome. 12:40:45 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: What training channels do you use? 12:41:30 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: We have a Playbook... We do Webinars for ongoing... and a big meeting at the conference. 12:41:31 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: What training channels am I using? 12:52:20 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Welcome back! 12:52:24 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: What's your ah-ha? 12:53:01 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: Very good! 12:53:20 From Debbie Robichaud to Everyone: Excellent 12:53:24 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Any lingering questions? 12:54:02 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: We also have a chapter chair newsletter, to make everyone feel like insiders... reinforce some messaging. 12:54:22 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Will and Leanne and I were wondering if you had prior examples of associations that have successfully involved chapters in the strat plan process and how they did it (may be a topic for a different webinar, ha) 13:00:16 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Yes, Shelley! That seems like a great future webinar topic :-) 13:00:27 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Innovation Grant... My big takeaway. 13:00:46 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Peggy you are awesome . I owe you a drink 13:00:51 From Will Webber | Partners of the Americas to Everyone: Thank you!! 13:00:53 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Oh man, I was hoping we had another 30 minutes, haha. 13:00:58 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Thank you for joining everyone! 13:01:01 From Audrey Imes to Everyone: Where an we find pricing info for CEX? Or when? 13:01:08 From Maude Surprenant to Everyone: Thank you! 13:01:19 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: October 11 & 13th 13:01:24 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: I love talking to ALL of you! Thanks Peggy and Sarah, you are CRP heroes! 13:01:25 From DAvid Falchek to Everyone: Too close to my conference -- 13:01:37 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: DC - Oct 11 & Chicago - Oct 13 13:01:46 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Aww, too bad David 13:01:52 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Download the report at https://bit.ly/chapterbenchmarking2022 13:01:54 From cheryl goldsby to Everyone: so dc is in person 10/11? 13:02:01 From cheryl goldsby to Everyone: great! 13:02:01 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Yes! 13:02:11 From Sarah Garrity - Billhighway to Everyone: Thank you! 13:02:16 From Debbie Robichaud to Everyone: Thank you. Great webinar. I enjoyed the breakout. Thank goodness for in person 13:02:17 From Angel Rutter to Everyone: Thank you! 13:02:28 From Shelley Wales to Everyone: Thanks!